Aga Derlak: musical alchemy that explores the multiverse

What if?" An eternal question that keeps us coming back, seeking meaning and chasing wonders that ignite our souls. At this precise moment, across the vast expanse of the multiverse, the sound of Aga Derlak reverberates in each corner, shaping the atmosphere with her compositions, poems, and soul.

"Parallel is the title of the album, which get inspired by a quantum physics theory that suggests the existence of a multiverse. According to this hypothesis, each decision unfolds a different reality: a parallel universe. This theory led me to feel nostalgic because I think, what if? What if I choose this option and not the other one? In the end, I hope there is another universe in which maybe I choose different decisions and live another life with someone else or do something different," explains the Polish pianist and composer, who through her music invites us to think and explore reality beyond the immediate.
"It was a romantic and magical vision that allowed me to create a special vibe for this album. I think many of us face this sentimental moment of revisiting the past and thinking about the decisions we have made."
The truth is that earthly life is too limited for all the languages Aga Derlak can speak in the universe of art. "If we didn’t have this need to look for something more, we wouldn’t evolve. As artists, we always get inspired by the past, but at the same time, we all have this urge to look for something fresh and share a message with the listeners, so I think this necessity to look for a parallel world comes from a single thing: look for spirituality." Her musical expressions draw a path to an alternate reality where time remains elastic, allowing the compositions and improvisations to complement each other within the spectrum of classical and vocal jazz.
The only universal thing is art and emotions.
The intricacy of leading ten musicians demands to focus not only on the intellectual aspects of music but also on seeking the beauty elements that can move the audience. "I appreciate the concept of blending two worlds: complexity and simplicity. Complexity, in terms of orchestration, diverse colors, and a sense of intrigue that keeps the audience engaged. On the other hand, simplicity carries a message that can touch music enthusiasts and those unfamiliar with jazz." The fidelity of this production makes it possible to listen to the air of the recording room. Her vocalizations are unequivocal proof that something significant is happening there. "I want to play what I want to sing. Sometimes I do that because the phrase needs to be like a sentence, so it needs to have full stops, and it needs to have breaks for breathing. Merge my voice with the piano is a natural process to me."
In the constant search for meaning, repeating yourself is not an option. "The way I think about my music is that it evolves from one concert to another. For me, improvising is beyond the chords: we can transform the atmosphere. During the concerts, we incorporate variations of intros and outros, and sometimes we improvise interludes between songs." The music of Aga Derlak is a constant voyage between the present and the past. Her poems question reality, truth, and memory. Through these sounds is possible to discover the multiverse we are living in. "I like to imagine that there exists another parallel world with an alternate version of Aga, leading a similar life but with subtle differences. So, it's not about regret; it's about dreaming."
Line up
- Jerzy Małek – trumpet
- Basia Derlak – vocals
- Wojciech Lichtański – alto saxophone
- Marcin Kaletka – tenor saxophone
- Michał Kapczuk – double bass
- Szymon Madej – drums
Atom String Quartet
- Dawid Lubowicz – violin
- Mateusz Smoczyński – violin
- Michał Zaborski – viola
- Krzysztof Lenczowski – cello